Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Testing Challenge - Project Balto

Probably the film I've most enjoyed this year has to be The Martian, about efforts by NASA and Matt Damon's stranded astronaut on Mars to stay alive.

There was something about it I loved.  Much like Apollo 13, it's about using imagination and knowledge to solve problems and get home.  One scene which interested me was where they were trying to build a rocket against the clock with some relief supplies ... it annoyed me, because I thought of a better way to solve it.

As part of our pre-Christmas test team meeting, I put a similar problem to them, to see how they would solve it.  It was interesting - their solution was similar to mine, but they came up with some different ideas, some of them better than mine.

That's why at the end of this year I've written up that testing challenge, "Project Balto" for Testing Circus.  I encourage you to look at the problem, and talk either with your team or your family about how you'd go about solving it, and do submit your solution.

I'll be going through and judging the responses in February.  More importantly, I'm hoping to write a follow-on piece in Testing Circus which will look at some guidelines for solving such real-life testing problems in the workplace.

Please do contribute, the more responses I get, the better my follow-on piece will be!

Find Project Balto in all it's detail here,


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